Bouquet of Felt Roses Greeting Card

Make a mixed media handmade card with roses that will never wilt, and will continue to bless the recipient for years to come. With this Bouquet of Felt Roses Greeting Card, the end result is a fun and unique 3D look that can be used for nearly any occasion.
Turn leftover pieces of felt into beautiful felt roses, and use them as the focus point for the card. The roses can be made in any color of felt you have available, so it can be adjusted to suit the recipient’s mood.
Estimated Cost$11-$20
Time to CompleteUnder an hour
Primary TechniqueMixed Media
Project or Page SizeCard
Type of Paper UsedCardstock
Materials List
- 10" x 5" light blue marbled cardstock
- 4.4" sized square cut from cerulean blue cardstock
- 4" sized square cut from ordinary white printer paper
- Small pieces of felt in the following colors: cerulean blue, light blue and white
- 9 pink 5mm rhinestone stickers
- 7 multicolored 5mm rhinestone flowers
- Silver rhinestone flower, 12mm wide
- Leaf green felt-tip pen
- Faber Castell 0.7mm black pen
- Pilot silver marker pen
- Black ballpoint pen
- Quick-drying craft glue (such as Bostik Clear)
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Ruler
- 2 plastic lids, one with a diameter of 2.6" and the other with a diameter of 1.7"
Make the five felt roses:
a. Draw a circle with a diameter of 2.6" on the cerulean blue felt and cut out the circle.
b. Cut the circle into a spiral shape, leaving a small circle in the center to form the base of the rose.
c. Start rolling up the spiral from the outside towards the inside ~ wind it up pretty tightly.
d. Add Bostik Clear to the base of the rose to hold the spiral in place. Wait until the glue dries before relaxing your hold on the rose.
e. Make another cerulean rose in the same way.
f. Make another three roses in the same way, two from the light blue felt and one from the white felt, but for these, use circles with a diameter of 1.7". -
Score the light blue marbled cardstock to create a card sized 5" x 5".
With the fold at the top, center and glue the cerulean blue cardstock to the front of the card.
Center and glue the piece of printer paper to the front of the card.
Glue the five felt roses to the card.
Use the Faber Castell 0.7mm black pen and link the roses with ink vines.
Glue the rhinestone flowers and stickers to the card.
Use the green felt-tip pen to add small leaves to the vines. Use the ballpoint pen to add detail to the leaves.
Add silver squiggles to the background all around the vine to complete the card.