Coffee Filter Watermelon Craft


Coffee Filter Watermelon Craft

Coffee Filter Watermelon Craft
Coffee Filter Watermelon Craft

"As the sun shines brighter, we’ve got a delightful project that your kids will absolutely love – the coffee filter watermelon craft! This summer craft is not just about creating a cute suncatcher that will sparkle in the sunlight, it’s also a fantastic opportunity for your children to exercise their fine motor skills. Whether they are in preschool, kindergarten, or older, this craft project is a perfect combination of creativity and skill-building. So, gather up your coffee filters and let’s create some summer magic together! This coffee filter watermelon is the perfect summer project for preschool, kindergarten, and older children. It’s an entertaining way to practice fine skills while making a cute suncatcher in the process! Plus, it’ll give your child’s creativity a chance to shine!"

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Project or Page Size8.5 inches x 11 inches

Type of Paper UsedTissue Paper

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