Coffee Filter Campfire Craft


Coffee Filter Campfire Craft

Coffee Filter Campfire Craft
Coffee Filter Campfire Craft

"Do you have fond memories of socializing around bonfires as a child or roasting marshmallows near a campfire? Nothing is better than a campfire on cool nights! These make a great summer or fall craft project to make at home, as a family, or at school or camp. Preschoolers and kindergartners will practice fine gross motor skills as they color the coffee filters and paint the craft sticks. Elementary age children can practice folding, cutting, gluing and assembling this art project. Children will also love spraying these coffee filters with water and watching how the colors blend to look like real flames! These make great props for letting kids use their imagination and engaging in pretend play. Plus, they are an added bonus for nostalgia. These would also make awesome centerpieces for an outdoorsy or camp-themed birthday party. After making pretend marshmallows to roast over the fire, save the leftover cotton balls to make these cotton ball snowmen."

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Project or Page Size8.5 inches x 11 inches

Type of Paper UsedTissue Paper

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