Westcott Titanium Bonded Scissors
Westcott Titanium Bonded Scissors
Gifted by: Westcott
Reviewed by Madison Bowes, Editor, AllFreePaperCrafts.com
If you don't have a proper pair of scissors, you will have a lot of trouble just starting your project. Too many times have I reached for a pair to find them dull, or to have the tip break off in the middle of my craft. Westcott's Titanium Bonded Scissors have been my saving grace, and I no longer worry about not having a pair of scissors on hand.
These scissors come in three sizes, 3-inch, 5-inch, and 7-inch, so you will have a pair for any materials you are working with. The 3-inch pair is my personal favorite because they are perfect for tiny details. Whether I need to snip a decorative border or make intricate, lacy snowflakes, that pair of scissors is my go-to no-fail tool. The 3-inch and 5-inch scissors have blades that are three times stronger than stainless steel, and the 7-inch pair is a whopping five times stronger. You don't have to worry about these failing you in the middle of a cut! Paper and fabric are no match for these scissors because they slice through your materials like they are made of butter.
The best aspect of these is that they stay sharper longer than most scissors. It drives me crazy to try working with a dull pair, but I know that when I need to make a quick cut the Westcott scissors will be as sharp as ever. These make your cutting not only easy, but also comfortable. With contoured handles you can work more comfortably, and that hand cramp will not creep up on you. Westcott is the leader in cutting technology, and you will soon see why these are essential tools in your life.
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